Delivery zip codes and corresponding travel fees.

Zip Code   

Delivery Charge   

Order Minimum   

41011 $60 $350
41014 $60 $350
41015 $60 $350
41016 $60 $350
41017 $60 $350
41018 $60 $350
41059 $60 $350
41071 $60 $350
41073 $60 $350
41074 $60 $350
41075 $60 $350
41076 $60 $350
45034 $40 $350
45036 $60 $350
45039 $0 $350
45040 $40 $350
45050 $75 $350
45065 $40 $350
45069 $60 $350
45102 $0 $200
45103 $0 $200
45106 $0 $200
45107 $60 $350
45111 $0 $200
45118 $30 $350
45120 $0 $200
45121 $60 $350
45122 $40 $300
45130 $35 $200
45140 $0 $200
45147 $0 $200
45150 $0 $200
45152 $60 $350
45153 $50 $300
45154 $0 $300
45156 $50 $350
45157 $0 $200
45158 $0 $200
45160 $0 $40
45162 $60 $50
45171 $75 $35
45174 $0 $0
45176 $0 $40
45208 $60 $0
45209 $60 $50
45212 $60 $40
45215 $60 $350
45226 $60 $350
45227 $50 $350
45230 $0 $200
45236 $60 $350
45241 $65 $350
45242 $0 $45
45243 $0 $200
45244 $0 $200
45245 $0 $200
45246 $60 $350
45249 $0 $200
45255 $0 $200
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